Cooking Club


Week 101

Happy to have some new faces around who joined us for a trial month! If you're poking around, there is some basic info on our FAQ page. We release the weekly menus on Friday mornings and I try to post on our social media accounts some visuals and tips about that week's recipes. Join us Monday on Instagram live so we can cook together!

This week, we're doing a batch of oven-roasted tomatoes, that will get repurposed into both a pasta dish and a frittata this week. Make a batch on Sunday night (once the sun goes down so you don't break a sweat in the kitchen making tomatoes) and the meals will come together quite quickly. They are also great smashed into a sandwich or sprinkled into an Italian Chop-ish salad with arugula, shaved fennel, toasted pine nuts, etc.

I have also received a good handful of notes about my recommended tools, and I just updated the tools page for reference. Don't hesitate to reach out with specific questions - I love talking about good equipment and believe in investing in less, but high-quality gear over time.

Have a good weekend!

Hey there 👋🏼

Sprouted Kitchen Cooking Club provides a streamlined plan that simplifies and takes the effort out of meal planning. Click here to learn more.