Cooking Club


Week 117

It still catches me how much can change in the course of a week, days really, in these times we're in. I listened to an older woman get mad at the post office guy yesterday because she didn't like that she had to touch screens to check out. Becauseeeee he makes that decision? Fear makes people snippy, I've been that person, and I hope you have it in you to act with extra compassion through this season. Thinking of you all this week, and however that may look for you. At least there is a gin cocktail!!!

While I'd consider this a pared down menu, I know some will be making dinner for two, and some of these dishes may seem like too much. There are notes woven throughout on how to make adjustments, but please always reach out to me with specific questions. It is also not traditional, so holler if you need me to point you towards other holiday resources. Happy to help.

Last year, we did a turkey breast, so you can revisit that recipe should you need it! Here is that menu in it's entirety so you have options.

We'll be doing a smaller gathering with Hugh's side this year and I am trying to think of a quote from my fave Home Cooking podcast...something to the effect of holidays being different this year, but this whole YEAR is different, and it's not forever, and we'll be ok. Enjoy what it is, as opposed to thinking of everything it is not.

Always wishing you all wellness - be in touch should there be anything I can help with this week. Love to hear from you.

Hey there 👋🏼

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