Cooking Club


Week 14

Because I am always learning and reading, the way I write recipes is constantly evolving. I started writing my first book nine years ago, and my second, Bowl + Spoon, sixish years ago. Both before kids, when my time in the kitchen looked a bit more leisurely. I am a different cook now, changed both by experience and circumstance. I took a few of the recipes from the book, and edited them to both reflect my current recipe writing style and to work better for this program. I really want to streamline dinner prep, which I did not prioritize as much in recipe writing before I had kids of my own underfoot. If you do have the book, you’ll notice a few minor changes, but hopefully for the better!

Hey there 👋🏼

Sprouted Kitchen Cooking Club provides a streamlined plan that simplifies and takes the effort out of meal planning. Click here to learn more.