Cooking Club


Week 141

Hey there!

Hope there are some lovely Mother's Day plans in store for you this weekend! Pie feels like a lovely way to celebrate and I think any dinner that someone else makes me is a treat so I'll take any of the above.

Two of the recipes have a spice called Sumac included, which you can find at World Market, larger spice stores, online. If you stock aleppo or paprika, that will do the trick, but if you're up for a new flavor or perhaps stock some, it's a nice change.

I haven't done a proper introduction to McKenzie Mitchell, but she is the wonderful woman who has been quietly assisting me with recipes here. First as a volunteer, and for a few years as a more legit role. She lives up in Seattle with a full time job for the Mariners baseball team and has a few food related side hustles - SKCC being one. She has been chipping away at recipes of her own for awhile, and is regularly doing one week a month now. This is one of her delicious weeks! While I continue to test and edit the recipes, and Hugh shoots them, her great ideas and attention to detail and the creative relief this grants me is invaluable. I love what we have going here, but the rapid turnover of recipes burns me out at times and I am so grateful to pick another food brain and eat her food. She has convinced me to give radishes another chance :) All said, I wanted to give Mckenzie a nod and mention her to you all. Her work here is quiet but imperative.

Lastly, to those of you keeping little bellies full and books read and tears wiped and snuggles abundant - a very happy mother's day!

Hey there 👋🏼

Sprouted Kitchen Cooking Club provides a streamlined plan that simplifies and takes the effort out of meal planning. Click here to learn more.