Cooking Club


Week 179

Hey hey! Lots of veggies this week! And a burger of course, because I am feeding littles and one can only eat so many salads on cold days. I know a cabbage crunch bowl is not a popular dinner with my kids - Cleo told me she would eat lettuce plain, but an actual dressed salad makes her "shiver". You spook, salad! Tell your littles I am always taking requests. We have a few veggie heavy weeks here, but I always love to hear suggestions for planning. There are also some darling pop tarts you can make this week that my kids just loved, especially in a heart shape.

SKCC Cooking Hang Out

This Sunday (2/6/22)! I bumped the Zoom cooking hang out up to 12pm PST, based on feedback. For those this does not work for, keep in touch on good times, so I can plan what works best for most in the future! I'll make the green bowl from this week's menu, and we can talk about bowl components in general.

Zoom Meeting - ID: 807 603 3324
Passcode: SKCC

This week's recipes by Mckenzie Mitchell.

Hey there 👋🏼

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