Cooking Club


Week 205

Hey hey!

Another good group of summery things up on the menu for you this week. If you start with the Sabich recipe, you'll likely have leftover vegetables that roll over into the frittata. I wrote the roasted vegetables into both, but know it was meant to be a rollover piece of this week's meals. We are also going to make bbq sauce from scratch! Which sounds intimidating but is actually so easy and delicious. The cornmeal cookies have tons of texture and little jammy centers and are light in their own way. If we can say that about a cookie.

As a side note, I hadn't (until this week - thank you, Hugh) had sidebar comments on the recipes forwarding to me, as I assumed folks would say what they liked, didn't or changed, and not necessarily ask questions in that space. I have missed so many questions and I am sorry, and that will be better going forward! I look at my phone too often, so if you ever have a quick question on a recipe, DM me via instagram or email me and I'll be quick as possible in getting back to you. I love that everyone in the facebook group is so helpful with each other, so add yourself to that group as well for more communal feedback.

Feels nuts that summer is starting to wrap up, or at least get to my favorite part (September!). Our kids go back to school in less than two weeks and while I have missed school so dearly, I don't feel like we got every last summer moment I thought there would be. Does it ever work out that way? Anyway, squeezing the last bit from this next week.

Hugs all around. Have a great weekend!

Hey there 👋🏼

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