Cooking Club


Week 241

I heard we are in for sunshine tomorrow and I cannot wait. That will be a perfect day for the Zucchini and Lemon Pizza, and maybe get a head start on the birria sauce so we can have those soon after. The bark comes together so quickly and I love that it can really hold any nut or dried fruit you have on hand. I am two weeks from my cookbook deadline and at this point, I honestly can't see what it is anymore. All the headnotes feel repetitive and I am remaking the carrot cake for the 59th time because at a glance, the frosting sounds really thin if sweetened with just maple. All those things. I am looking forward to having more of me to dedicate here when the bulk of that work is out the door! I hope there is sunshine and a good meal and time to rest and your favorite people as part of your weekend. Big hugs and happy cooking!

Hey there 👋🏼

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